Welcome to Skademaskinen!
I am Mast3r_waf1z, or Skademanden. I am a bachelor graduate / master student at Aalborg University. I graduated as a bachelor in Computer Engineering in 2023, and i am currently studying a master's degree in Software Engineering.
The purpose of this website is to show an insight in my competenses in a way that exceeds the capability of a CV or a resume. If my CV is more of interest to you, feel free to check it out
here, or compile it yourself.
I would describe myself as somewhat of a computer enthusiast, such that anything related to computers interest me to some capacity, (though some topics do bore me). As such i am a Linux user i also enjoy dabbling in exciting distributions like Arch Linux, Gentoo Linux, Linux From Scratch and its derivatives, and NixOS a lot.
This site is currently in its second iteration, if you're curious to the history, the last version of the original site is at
this commit, If you want to run it yourself, run these commands in a Linux terminal:
git clone https://github.com/Mast3rwaf1z/Mast3rwaf1z.github.io.git /tmp/website
cd /tmp/website
git checkout cc2086e
firefox file:///tmp/website/index.html
I descided in 2024 to rewrite the whole thing, my reasoning was that i wanted it to be more dynamic and to feel more alive. Both sites have something in common though: Its inspired by old static web 1.0 websites!
On this site you will also find dedicated threads to each of my interests, as i also enjoy Warhammer 40000, Gaming (active member of the Linux gaming community), Anime and manga, and of course music - I'm a huge metal fan!
Commit History
man about.skademaskinen.win
How to use this site:
The top bar should represent terminal commands, so here's an explanation of each command!
Returns to front page
login <username> <password>
Opens login page, used to send WOL requests and see server status of my servers
My contact information
guestbook <name> <message>
Leave me a message :)
Aforementioned threads of things that interest me, should be dynamically generated from a database
* My favorite color is
, you'll see it recurring on this site.
* My favorite class in World of Warcraft is Death Knight! I love the theme of it.
* My preferred programming language is Python, i loved learning Haskell though!
* My favorite Linux ditribution is Arch Linux, it is a very powerful distribution with excellent documentation.
* My favorite band is Avatar! I love their energy and I never really tire of listening to them.